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Does yours have curb appeal or are your visitors just window shopping before heading to the next site in their search results?

We strive to help your business succeed in every way possible so you can spend more time on what matters. Because we know you don't have time to worry about technology.


Website Design and Digital Strategy for Tech-Challenged Businesses

At M|J Creative we work to create a cohesive blend of design and development experience, combined with expert marketing saavy, so you can say goodbye to frustrating website management and hello to business success. We custom design every element of your site so that it's not only an authentic digital representation of your business, it drives meaningful results.




Our discovery process takes a deep dive into your goals to determine the most optimal website strategy. After extensive market research, we design each website for your market to ensure your potential customers take action.




Our custom websites not only look good, they work on auto-pilot to exceed your business goals. We ensure every element on your website is thoughtfully designed so that visitors convert into customers.



We involve our clients throughout each step of the web design experience so the final product is a true representation of your brand and you have clarity and communication throughout the project.


A Truly Custom Website Experience

If your business is in need of a total custom website experience, then you’re in the right place. Our website experience is intended for established businesses or businesses prepped for accelerated growth. We take a deep-dive into the inner-workings of your business to determine the ideal website strategy and design that will boost your bottom line and turn your casual visitors into paying customers.

We offer concierge service throughout this streamlined experience to deliver a website that can grow right alongside your profit margins. This is a holistic website experience complete with total custom design and development, with the options for professional photography and copywriting, onsite search engine optimization and extensive functionalities.

We expect our clients to have a clear plan for their business mission and goals. Therefore this experience is not typically appropriate for startups or freelancers due to the intense time commitment and monetary investment required.

Platforms available | Wordpress, Shopify, Squarespace

*project pricing is based upon overall size and scope of project


+ Totally custom website design tailored to your business market.

+ A custom website YOU can manage easily post-launch without professional assistance.

+ We dig into your existing website to understand the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW and WHY. You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve already been!

+ Involvement and clear communication throughout every step of the web design experience. We are partners in the process!

+ A fully mobile-optimized website that looks amazing on any device or screen & meets ongoing ADA digital accessibility requirements.

+ Personalized Training & Support and lifetime access to our training portal.

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Ready to put your website on auto-pilot?